Wow, Lieberman is kissing immigrant ass.
Well no shit, if your not a Native American your a descendant of an immigrant. But likely your a descendant of a LEGAL immigrant. Your ancestors also likely came over at a time when America only existed east of the Mississippi.
Seriously, do you think it's right for candidates to kiss immigrant ass for the sake of kissing immigrant ass.
BTW, Dean gave a convoluted explanation on immigrant-soldiers. Like Kerry I believe that a foreign combat deployment with honorable conduct should warrant automatic citizenship for them, their spouse and their children.
When it comes to sorting out which illegals stay and which go, service to the Military is an excellent way to "EARN" citizenship. Beyond this, I look at the poor huddled masses fleeing as refugees and see opportunities to ARM them, and send them back to their nations under a US banner to free their nations.
Perhaps it's time to create a US FOREIGN LEGION!!!!!! Train refugees and send them home to liberate their nations. After the conflict, they can choose to become US citizens or to return to their nation and help heal it and establish democracy.
BTW, Lieberman is a shitty candidate. He doesn't understand the depth of the immigration issue.
What does everyone else think??????