Jeopardy Update: DU'er "IntravenousDemilo" will be on tonight (Wed)!
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Wed Mar-28-07 02:30 PM
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Jeopardy Update: DU'er "IntravenousDemilo" will be on tonight (Wed)! |
He will be defending his championship for the third time!!1!!
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Wed Mar-28-07 02:31 PM
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1. Way to GO, Intravenous! I'm so proud of you! |
I caught the show on Monday; you did fantastic! Keep up the good work. :applause:
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Wed Mar-28-07 02:34 PM
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2. Do you know how many times you can win? |
Do they cut you off after a certain number?
And congrats to IntravenousDemilo..
Little Wing
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Wed Mar-28-07 02:34 PM
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4. Some guy went on for weeks, and I think he finally got sick of being there |
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Wed Mar-28-07 02:36 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
5. Unlimited. You win until you lose. No more mandatory axing after the fifth game. |
They did that back when "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" was at its peak. "Jeopardy!" lost some market share, and got it back by upping the prize money and letting you play for as long as you could keep winning. Didn't do me any good, though. I lost first time out. :( :dunce:
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Wed Mar-28-07 02:52 PM
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7. It is unlimited. Ken Jennings won 74 straight matches a couple of years ago. |
El Fuego
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Wed Mar-28-07 02:34 PM
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3. I watched it last night!! |
I saw it Friday too!
IntravenousDemilo is AWESOME!!!!!
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Wed Mar-28-07 02:37 PM
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6. I missed last night, but I'm tuning in tonight, for sure!!! |
He's so adorable and SOOOO smart. Terrya is one lucky dude!
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Wed Mar-28-07 02:54 PM
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8. I've got the Tivo set up. |
:woohoo: I watched Monday but missed yesterday.
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Wed Mar-28-07 02:55 PM
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but to be fair, I answered final Jeopardy correctly both times this week.
(of course, had I been playing in earnest, I'd have been in the red by the time I got to final Jeopardy)
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Wed Mar-28-07 03:19 PM
Response to Reply #9 |
10. I do great when I'm watching on tv |
I have the feeling that if I were really on it, I'd stand there saying, "Uh....uh...uh...."
I'll have to watch tonight - I haven't seen him yet. I keep forgetting. :banghead:
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Wed Mar-28-07 04:11 PM
Response to Reply #10 |
12. I went to see a live taping at Radio City Music Hall. |
It was so hard to not scream out the answers. We were constantly warned about saying anything. A few people did and they had to redo questions.
They filmed four episodes that afternoon. We only stayed for three of them.
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Wed Mar-28-07 04:02 PM
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11. He's up to 84K in winnings |
I'm rooting for him too, I saw him last night
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:52 PM
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