Wow, people. I am not going to go into specific details of what just happened to me because it would be long and horrid and overly dramatic and hinges on all kinds of details that quite frankly you guys don't care about but I just have to say that TRYING TO GET THINGS DONE ON A LOCAL LEVEL IS ABSOLUTELY MORE HAIR-RAISING THAN YOU WOULD BELIEVE!!! :scared:
I mean, really. He said this. She said that. Did somebody else do this? Or did they do that? Who needs to get yelled at today? Who do I need to call and allow them to yell at me in order to make up for what one of my fellow supporters of this is issue who is not exactly under control did at a meeting? How do I get said supporters under control?
Shit, I don't NEED television and I sure as hell don't need to go to the amusement park to get any more damn drama in my life. I am dealing with straight-up, high-octane, faster-than-roller-derby, pure political gamesmanship at the retail level. Phew.
This stuff's like crack, guys. You all should try it out. ;) Also, it goes a long way to give you an appreciation for our lawmakers. If they do this kind of thing all the time, they have way stronger stomachs than I do. I feel like I'm gonna puke right now what with all the adrenaline.
I need a drink. :beer::toast: Anyway, this'll probably sink like a rock, 'sokay, I just needed to vent. I feel better now. :loveya: