I just got the last Patty Griffin Ticket!
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Thu Mar-29-07 01:11 PM
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I just got the last Patty Griffin Ticket! |
I found out at lunch today that she was playing at a 700 seater in Iowa City Iowa tonight. How I missed this announcement I have no idea!
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Thu Mar-29-07 02:19 PM
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1. ooohhhhh...I love her!! |
She's one of my favorite singer-songwriters, and her new album is GREAT.
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Thu Mar-29-07 02:32 PM
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2. Don't have the new album yet |
I just can't believe somebody I like this much is playing in my town. I quit looking at her site months ago because it was impossible to think she would play a 700 seater in Iowa of all places. I missed her and Dar Williams in a pub in Dublin two nights in a row last April and I have been kicking myself ever since. I gues I will have to buy it and have her sign it after the show. bummer;O I am on top of the world:)
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Thu Mar-29-07 03:10 PM
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700 people is a dam good turnout..she`s one of the best
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 07:04 PM
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