Edited on Thu Mar-29-07 06:22 PM by pitohui
i did get a car for free but not off freecycle but off another site, however, i had to tow (thanks AAA), pay the tax to transfer it from mississippi to louisiana registration, and of course fix it up -- it had a minor problem and has served pretty well as a backup vehicle for at least 2 years now
i also gifted a car twice, one time it did not work out well because the people i gifted it to were too poor to maintain it, so they gave it up after a few weeks -- the second time the guy fized it up and sold it for profit after saying he was giving it to his church group as a project -- hmmm -- i probably won't gift a car again without knowing the person well enough to know that they can maintain it
the official freecycle group and our group had some falling out that i don't understand, but our group does pass along some pretty good stuff sometimes, i've gotten tons of clothes in my size especially, a good bit of food also -- some people never want to see that katrina food again, some people don't want the bother of fruit or nut trees
i try not to give away anything to the poster who always has a "story," tell me you live nearby and can pick up promptly at XYZ time and i'll probably pick you over the person who has a sad, sad story of how they lost everything, a lot of the group is in that situation of starting over yet never says a word
one of my most ironic pick-ups was some clothes from a lady who, it turned out, had lost everything in katrina, after her insurance came through and she bought a new home, clothes, etc, she was passing on the stuff that people had given her to tide her over, hence the clothes, that was pretty cool i thought