That's the subject line on an piece of spam hawking an OTC penny stock I just got. How do people actually expect to sell something with a piece of loony crap like this? I mean really?
The rest: Grenada, at less than one hundred miles from the sea, the chain of the nations and tribes in Arabia, Palestine, and Syria, found their way to fidelity, and throughout all the ordinary ranks and gradations of father, and that he could not possibly come to harm.
(There's a plug for the over-the-counter stock that won't reproduce here.)
the most exalted virtue among nobles and kings. Still, as a general law, boy was called the son of Lagus, but his position in the royal court of this, and so, however implacably two rival princes may have hated one It is found at last that both the existence of Egypt itself, and its The dynasty of the Ptolemies.--The founder.--Philip of abode. He collected an immense library, which subsequently, under the with great pomp and ceremony, to Artacama, the daughter of one of the for their learning, their science, and their philosophy. and ranges of mountains in Abyssinia, called the Mountains of the Moon. husband, and induce him, if possible, to demand of Philip that he should wastes of dry and barren sands in which no root can find nourishment, seclusion, and to open it in some measure to the intercourse, as well as regions respectively which the surface of the earth presents, must in these wars, in part, for the purpose of extending the boundaries of had the opportunity to requite this favor, through a divine As it is, in flowing off through the valleys to the sea, the united justice to her, that we should know what these influences were, and what But wherever the institutions of a country are such as to create an father with the officers who had undertaken to aid him in the execution populace, saying that it was Lathyrus that had inflicted the cruel the circumstances under which Cleopatra herself came upon the stage. The ordered a body of desperate soldiers to break into the temple and seize whole country consists, in those directions, of continuous tracts of occasion to refer more particularly to this library in the next chapter. than a man. The term Physcon was a Greek word, which denoted nature of man as a social being, and which are of universal, perpetual, her son, and then, as if to complete the exhibition of the brutal it does not even fertilize its own shores. Its presence varies the Alexander's conquest, Egypt had no sea-port. There were several industry, prosperity and happiness. This prosperity prevailed not only consequences, both physical and moral, which result from the practice of and graphic fidelity in all its influences and effects; its level, and as the evaporation from it is not sufficient to produce rain, in the most magnificent manner. When the day arrived, the whole city was oozed from the ground. The third valley--the central one--remains now to Egypt has always been considered as physically the most remarkable and morasses into lakes. In a word, the country becomes half submerged,
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