..."The Newsroom" is back on the air. If you have seen the previous airings of it, you know writer/director Ken Finkleman is one of the most creative, cynical, and satirical writers out there, and it look slike CBC has given him free license once again.
Yes, that does mean another series which will devolve into a ridicilous Fellini-esque mid-life crisis circle jerk, but nobody can pull that off as entertainingly as Finkleman!
The first episode (aired tonight) was pretty good, but not nearly as hilarious as previous offerings. Perhaps it's the lack of familiar faces, as it seems most of the supporting cast are long gone. Hopefully, it'll improve with a few more showings...
http://www.cbc.ca/newsroom/Here's a good URL about the original series, including some great quotes:
http://www.connarch.com/The_Newsroom/Jeremy, on Jim: "He's an anchor. He's an idiot!"
George: "The last thing you want is to come home after a hard day's work, sit down in front of your television set and be intimidated by intelligence."
Talent agent, on a co-anchor candidate: "She doesn't have an in-your-face ethnicity...seventy-four percent of her audience in Saskatoon actually thought she was white. It's a very subtle ethnicity. Almost subliminal."
George: "A black anchor reads 'equality,' and equality reads 'social spending,' and a social-spending message in this deficit-reduction climate looks like we're taking sides--and we have to be objective. A white anchor, on the other hand, reads 'deficit reduction.' Which doesn't mean that equality isn't a very high priority for us..."
George, on the abortion question: "If you can't define life in one word, you don't belong in a political campaign."
George, again on the abortion question: "If Mary Magdalene can flip-flop, Jim Walcott can flip-flop!"
George, advising Jim: "Forget insemination, forget semen, forget masturbation--you're pro-life!"
Jim, to a sidewalk abortion clinic protester: "Is that a dead human fetus in that shoebox?"
Protester: "No. Those are my other shoes."
Jim: "Well, if it was a dead fetus, I'd support you a hundred percent."