I dont know why Im posting this but I wanted to share it. Compared to what I was taught, and not what I know from having lived over 50 years. Here's a few things, add on if you wish. 1. The Universe sometimes shuffles your life around, whether you like it or not, and grabs you by the ass to put you where you need to be..and just when you think you are comfortable, it happens again. I guess thats what "Life happens while you are making plans" means. 2. Take care of yourself first or you cant help anyone. I learned this the hard way, as I was raised Catholic and I was raised to martyr myself to everyone and completely disregard my own needs. Not healthy. 3. Dont sweat the small stuff. If your printer jams or the washing machine croaks, the world will not implode . When all kinds of small stupid things happen at the same time, relax and take it one day at a time. Little stress can lead to major stress, and drive you crazy. 4. Do self analysis with compassion for yourself. Dont be mean to yourself. You deserve to be treated kindly by others, and if they arent nice to you, thats their problem. You have to live with yourself for the rest of your life. Be your own best friend to yourself. 4. Dont worry. If you do worry too much, get help from a physician or counselor...it could be hardwired and there is medication out there for it. and other remedies to relieve the stress your mind is creating. 5. Other people get angry when you dont do what they want. Thats not your problem. Do whats good for you first, or, as is said "Follow Your Bliss". 6. Imagine you are laying on your own deathbed (which will happen to all of us) and ask yourself "what did I do in my life? what did I want to do and didnt do?" Then, with that in mind, go for what you want to do now. 7. The old saying what doesnt kill you makes you stronger can be true IF you dont create scenarios that traumatize you. Self evaluation is good, if you see a pattern of your own behaviour starting to make you sick, or worry, or crazy, maybe its time to recognize there needs to be a change. 8. What you learned as a kid may not be true, and its okay to question everything. 9. Many adults are little kids in adult bodies. Just because its an adult doesnt mean its mature and responsible. The only little kid I let out now (mostly) is my fun little kid. The angry brat behaviour is something I have to keep tabs on, unlike Bush, who is a brat and hasnt grown up. 10. Fears are usually thin...under most anger Ive had is fear, and under that is pain and a need to cry. Cry, its a good thing. 11. Everything I ever thought I had as an original idea was already written about by some other human being. 12. Laugh a LOT....not much isnt funny. Okay thats it for now... Rant off =))))))))))))))))))