Considering the recent and somewhat ongoing unpleasantness regarding the primary candidates, I would like to offer a possible solution. The recent tack has been based on trying to contain flaming and flame bait, which has proven to be challenging and unfair to the moderators. So what can be done?
How about creating a room that is only available to those who have posted at least 500-1000 post and make it a “Free for All” room? This would take the pressure off the moderators to try to keep things civil and anything that is considered off color or mean could be moved there. This would also keep lurkers and Freepers from seeing any discord and keep it in the “family”. Also, making a minimum post number for entrance would require that one become familiar with those they were taking umbrage with rather than just going at it and may lessen the severity. In addition, those of us who prefer a more gentile discourse would not have to enter that room.
This might be horrible or unworkable so if anyone has other possible solutions or additions, your thoughts are welcome. Just a thought from a newbie.