I saw an odd bumper sticker yesterday
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Wed Jan-14-04 11:22 PM
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I saw an odd bumper sticker yesterday |
Nothing says lovin' Like something from the coven
HAHAHAHA -- I think. It's funny, right? Whatever, you won't see that car parked at an evangelical church anytime soon.
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Wed Jan-14-04 11:33 PM
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I live in a town with a marine base, and I saw a car that had marine bumperstickers all over, and several pagan ones! Interesting.
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Wed Jan-14-04 11:40 PM
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2. my fav is abort bush in the first term (from poppys reign) |
well actually its a button
AdBot (1000+ posts) |
Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:24 AM
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