Stormy, Windy, and the power just came back is the weather?
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Thu Jan-15-04 02:08 AM
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Stormy, Windy, and the power just came back is the weather? |
It's stormy, windy, and the power just came back on.
How is the weather in your area?
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Thu Jan-15-04 02:16 AM
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1. temp -3F,windchill to -15, city schools closed tomorrow |
because lots of kids walk. They didn't close last week when it was just as cold and took a lot of flak for it.
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Thu Jan-15-04 03:04 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
5. That's when you really hope the electricity stays ON. |
Makes for a real cold house real quick when the furnace doesn't kick on :scared: and the temps are well below zero. I hate that when that happens :-(
Bertha Venation
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Thu Jan-15-04 02:29 AM
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I heard about this from our cousin Tammie. Most federal employees got sent home due to the weather -- unfortunately, she wasn't one of them. One of the contractors she works with was injured when the truck he was loading was hit by a fallen tree.
We're supposed to be getting a dusting of snow here. Nothing yet.
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Thu Jan-15-04 02:36 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
3. There were trees falling left and right |
it was terrible. There was also flooding in many areas.
The power was out for about 5 hours. Luckily, I am on the dry side of the island (and it is still RAINING!!!)
Bertha Venation
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Thu Jan-15-04 02:55 AM
Response to Reply #3 |
I had my fill of scary weather when a tornado came through here almost two years ago. We had to pry the cats out of the ceiling -- once we realized it was still attached to the house.
Stay safe!
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Thu Jan-15-04 03:09 AM
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6. NW Iowa-Calm-11 degrees |
Nothing major expected.
Sounds like you had to batten down the hatches :-( Stay safe as ya can out there.
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Thu Jan-15-04 03:44 AM
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7. Central Valley, California - Fog! |
Thick tule fog, and so still I can hear geese honking above it.
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Thu Jan-15-04 03:48 AM
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8. Denver - 60-degree high, golf tomorrow n/t |
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Thu Jan-15-04 04:00 AM
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9. 40's and what else in the winter in Seattle... |
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:12 AM
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