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Thu Jan-15-04 11:08 AM Original message |
2003: The year as spoken! (interesting quotes from a variety of sources) |
"If you don't violate someone's human rights some of the time, you probably aren't doing your job." - an unnamed American official who is, according to the Washington Post, directly involved in the interrogation of terrorist suspects at places like Bagram air base, outside Kabul, and on Diego Garcia, an island in the Indian Ocean. *** **** *** "Chasing after people like Gary Glitter and Jonathan King is important, and it is important that the police are able to convince themselves that - if I did anything illegal - I did it purely for research. I am not a paedophile." - Pete Townshend, breaking yer old pal Jerky's heart. *** **** *** "I go to Africa once a year or twice a year to work with the African-American community." - New Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, also known as the Killer of Many Cats. *** **** *** "The Iraqi regime is a threat to any American and to threats who are friends of America." - Preznit Dubya flubs at Fort Hood, Texas, January 3, 2003. *** **** *** "This is the worst president ever. This is the worst president in all of American history. We have lost our way." - 137-year-old veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas, who quit UPI and went independent in 2002 when that news service was bought out by the Moonie Cult, which also owns the Washington Times. *** **** *** "I hate my father, I'm ambivalent about my son and I dislike myself, but I want to be cloned as soon as possible." - French novelist Michel Houellebecq. *** **** *** "I told u I was hardcore." - The last words of Brandon Vedas, from Pheonix AZ, typed in an IRC chatroom as he swallowed fistfulls of prescription drugs while dozens watched via live webcam. *** **** *** "Analyzed as individuals, Enron's Kenneth Lay and Tyco's Dennis Kozlowski might easily be seen as sociopathic. But within the context of a group that never challenges them, their unethical behavior becomes normative. They have no internal conflict." - Kenneth Eisold, president of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations *** **** *** "Why can't you share your bed? The most loving thing to do, is to share your bed with someone. I tuck them in. It's very charming, it's very sweet." - Michael Jackson talks about his then still-unbroken habit of "sleeping in bed" with his younger guests. *** **** *** "I don't know that you can measure public opinion just by the number of people that turn up at demonstrations." - Australian Prime Minister John Howard glibly dismisses hundreds of thousands of demonstrators - the largest protest march in his nation's history - thereby proving that America isn't the only country run by a fucking RETARD. *** **** *** "I am ready to conduct a direct dialogue, a debate, with your president. I will say what I want, and he will say what he wants. This is something proposed in earnest, out of my respect for the people of the United States and my respect for the people of Iraq and the people of the world. I call for this because war is not a joke." - Saddam Hussein tells Dan Rather he wants to debate Preznit Dubya on live TV. *** **** *** "Think about the implications of what you're saying. You're saying that the leaders of other nations are buyable. And that is not an acceptable proposition." - White House press secretary Ari Fleischer responds to a South American reporter's question about Preznit Dubya's bribe-for-attack-Iraq-support offers to Mexico, Columbia and Ethiopia. Ari was literally laughed off the stage at the end of this press conference. *** **** *** "Shut up, you Monkey! A curse on your mustache, you traitor!" - Iraqi diplomat Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri insults Kuwaiti diplomat Sheik Mohammed Sabah Al Salem Al Sabah, who was heckling him about something or other during a meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. *** **** *** "One of the tests of a leader is to convince your allies what's right and what's wrong. And that's what a leader does. A leader builds up alliances." - Preznit Dubya, December 1999, on ABC's This Week. A quote that seems particularly relevant to Y2K+3, Q1. *** **** *** "Sy Hersh is the closest thing American journalism has to a terrorist." - Disgraced Defence Policy Board chairman Richard Perle slanders investigative journalist Sy Hersh on CNN, after Hersh exposes Perle's behind-the-scenes war profiteering in a damning article for The New Yorker. Perle filed a lawsuit against Hersh in England. *** **** *** "Forty years ago, he would have called me a communist, and 70 years ago, he would have called me a Jew. it's the same thing with these people." - Sy Hersh responds to Perle's outrageous characterization. *** **** *** "The Constitution just sets minimums. Most of the rights that you enjoy go way beyond what the Constitution requires. During war, the protections will be ratcheted right down to the constitutional minimum. I won't let it go beyond the constitutional minimum." - Supreme Court Justice Antonin "Fat Tony" Scalia tells students at John Carroll University to prepare for the gala world premiere of New Perfect America, coming soon to a detention camp near you. What else should we expect from the guy who bans the media from filming him receiving a Freedom of Speech Award!? *** **** *** "If the oil wells in Iraq belong to the Iraqi people, to whom do the oil wells in America belong?" - Roger Ailes (not the fat, repulsive and evil one). *** **** *** "We don't do bodycounts." - General Tommy Franks, US Central Command. *** **** *** "At the RED ALERT security level, you literally are staying at home. What we're saying is, 'Everybody sit down.' If you are left standing, you are probably a terrorist." - Sid Caspersen, the Director of the New Jersey Office of Counter-Terrorism. APRIL - MAY - JUNE "Some have called me a Hitler. Well, this Hitler has only one objective: justice for his people, sovereignty for his people, recognition of the independence of his people and their rights over their resources. If that is Hitler, then let me be a Hitler tenfold." - Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe. *** **** *** "President Bush says that he doesn't need approval from the U.N. to wage war... and I'm thinking, well, hell, he really didn't need the approval of the American voters to become president either, did he?" - David Letterman on his first night back from a month-long battle with Scabies. *** **** *** "In my humble opinion the H2 is an American icon. It's a symbol of what we all hold so dearly above all else, the fact that we have the freedom of choice, the freedom of happiness, the freedom of adventure and discovery, and the ultimate freedom of expression. Those who deface a Hummer in words or deed, deface the American flag and what it stands for." - Rick Schmidt, founder of the International Hummer Owners Group (IHOG), doing his part to render satire impossible. *** **** *** "Why should we hear about body bags and deaths and how many, what day it's going to happen, and how many this or what do you suppose? Oh, I mean, it's, not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?" - Preznit Dubya's fearsome grandmother Barbara - aka Babs the White. *** **** *** "I'm sorry, but the chick got in the way." - Satan, laughing, spreads his wings. Oh Lord yeah. *** **** *** "I hate everything about this war except the fact that we're winning it." - 60 Minutes' grumpiest, oldest man, Andy Rooney. *** **** *** "In 11 years of performing, I've only hit my assistant on five occasions." - inordinately boastful 23 year old knife-thrower Jayde Hanson. *** **** *** "Hong Kong will take your breath away!" - Hong Kong chose this slogan a few months before a deadly outbreak of Severe Accuse Respiratory Syndrome turned the island into a Hot Zone. *** **** *** "We might create a group of people much smarter than us that might want to kill us." - Bioethicist George Annas, chair of the Health Law Department of Boston University School of Public Health, describes one of the myriad potential dooms that await mankind in... the FUTURE! *** **** *** "Games are very educational. Scrabble teaches us vocabulary, Monopoly teaches us cash-flow management, and Dungeons & Dragons teaches us to loot dead bodies." - Game-maker Steve Jackson defends his craft and trade. *** **** *** "Imagine Joe Lieberman in this costume, or even John Kerry. Nobody looks right in the role Bush has set for the presidency - commander-in-chief, medium height, medium build, looks good in a jet pilot's costume - or uniform, rather." - Chris Matthews, ridiculous whore. *** **** *** "This case should be a lesson for all seafaring men. Throwing people overboard is no way to solve a problem." - Ronier Ortiz, one of the Panamanian public magistrates investigating a twelve-man ship's crew accused of throwing five stowaway Dominican migrants overboard. *** **** *** "If you jump off a five-story building and partially miss the pool, you're going to have some injuries." - Captain Steven A. Burns of the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office. *** **** *** "This is what happens with affirmative action. This is what happens when liberals want to fix all the world's problems by forcing diversity on us." - Rush Limbaugh - a white man who spends three hours a day spouting unmitigated lies to millions of people for millions of dollars - gloats over the firing of plagiarist reporter from the New York Times, just because he's black. How unexpected! *** **** *** "The reason I'd enjoyed such smooth sailing for so long hadn't been, as I'd assumed, because I was careful and diligent and good at my job ... The truth was that, in all those years, I hadn't written anything important enough to suppress." - groundbreaking and wholly-vindicated Contra/CIA/cocaine journalist Gary Webb. *** **** *** "Free yourself of the Matrix." - Teen-aged D.C. sniper suspect Lee Boyd Malvo scrawled the above missive on the walls of his jail cell. *** **** *** "Reagan was an actor who played cowboys in movies and became a politician. Bush is a politician who pretends to be a cowboy in order to remind us of Reagan when he was president. Reagan represented Hollywood. Bush represents an imitation of Hollywood, the TV spin-off of the hit movie." - James Walcott of Vanity Fair. *** **** *** "It doesn't matter to me. Two, four, ten... as long as I'm doing God's will, it doesn't matter how many people I execute." - Muhammad Saad Al-Beshi, Saudi Arabia's top executioner, discusses his daily death tally. *** **** *** "The US, like revolutionary France and revolutionary Russia, is a great power based on a universalist revolution - and therefore on the belief that the rest of the world should follow its example, or even that it should help liberate the rest of the world. Few things are more dangerous than empires pursuing their own interest in the belief that they are doing humanity a favour." - Eric Hobsbawm, historian. *** **** *** "During election times, we tend to lose our grandmothers, grandfathers and young children. They just disappear. But I want to warn you all that you should not resort to ritual murder. Don't do that, because you might get caught and then you will not achieve your dream of going to Parliament." - Swaziland's King Mswati III tells voters they shouldn't resort to using "mutis", which are supernatural dolls made with the bodyparts of ritually murdered victims, in order to win elections. *** **** *** "God told me to strike at Al Qaeda, and I struck them, and then God instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me, I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them." - Preznit Dubya, to Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas. It's the frickin' Son of Sam administration. *** **** *** "Religion is a thought disorder, and something from which one can get better, perhaps with the help of some pills." - Jonathan Miller. JULY - AUGUST - SEPTEMBER "Most of us whose bylines appear in the American media should be embarrassed to look our readers, viewers and listeners in the eye. We are being held up for ridicule by real journalists, such as Webb, from nations that once looked upon us as the epitome of truth and integrity. The ridicule is richly deserved." - Knoxville News op-ed columnist Dave Hunter *** **** *** "I'm not a preacher, and I'm not a pastor, but I really feel my career was leading me to make this. The Holy Ghost was working through me on this film, and I was just directing traffic. I hope the film has the power to evangelize." - Thespian/auteur Mad Mel Gibson chats up his personally-financed, 25 million dollar epic about the final day in the life of Jesus Christ. *** **** *** "My earliest drawings were of the crucifixion of Christ. That's one thing that's going to turn little boys on - that your religion has to do with a guy getting nailed to a fucking cross and all this blood spurting out and all these saints being set on fire. That's the kind of religion I like." - Joe Coleman, artist. *** **** *** "Oh, you're one of the sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig. How's that? Why don't you see if you can sue me, you pig. You got nothing better than to put me down, you piece of garbage. You have got nothing to do today, go eat a sausage and choke on it." - radio shock-joke Michael "Savage" Weiner, getting himself fired. *** **** *** "Now that I'm older but child-sized, I'm very concerned with protecting myself. If I know that I have everything prepared for when I get raped and killed, then I can go to sleep." - Christina Ricci. *** **** *** "Maybe in my next life, I'll have a better life. That's why I'm just looking forward to go to the other world. I'm a nigger. I'm a big strong nigger that knocks out people and rapes people and rips off people and bullies people." - Former heavyweight champion Iron Mike Tyson. *** **** *** "While it is important to trash the governor, it should be done in the context of regret, sadness and balance." - from a secret memo by Republican consultant Frank Luntz. *** **** *** "We liberated Iraq. Now the people here don't want us here, and guess what? We don't want to be here either. So why are we still here? Why don't they bring us home?" - Pfc. Jason Ring sends a message home from the searing desert front. Pentagon retaliation will no doubt be swift. *** **** *** "ABC NEWS REPORTER WHO FILED TROOP COMPLAINTS STORY - OPENLY GAY CANADIAN!" - Matt Drudge put the above headline on his popular but dubious website after being fed the "scoop" from an unidentified inside source at the White House. *** **** *** "I think all foreigners should stop interfering in the internal affairs of Iraq. Those who want to come and help are welcome. Those who come to interfere and destroy are not." - Paul Wolfowitz sees the light, too late. *** **** *** "Death is not enough. They should have been hung up on poles in a square in Baghdad so all Iraqis could see them. Then they should have died as people ate them alive." - Baghdad businessman Khalil Ali's feelings about the killing of brothers Uday and Qusay Hussein are completely unambiguous. *** **** *** "Every week I would receive a news alert about another microbiologist dying. The story was all over the place but no one had really connected the deaths yet. I don't believe that much in coincidence. ... We don't usually get into the stories behind the stories. The news doesn't really go in depth. The majority of people in your country and in mine are being treated like mushrooms. We're being kept in the dark and having bullshit heaped over us. If there is a conspiracy and we don't pay attention to the signs, they're going to get away with it." - author Ian Gurney has discovered the connecting thread. Every one of the scientists in question had two things in common. They all died strange and/or grisly deaths, and they had all been working on projects related to biological warfare. *** **** *** "I told her she was stupid for marrying her own daddy. I told him he was crazy and stupid. I told her I didn't ever want to hear from her again." - Shirley Crayne discusses the recent arrest of her youngest daughter and her ex-husband on incest charges. *** **** *** "I think this is the worst government in its more than 200 years of history. It has engaged in extraordinarily irresponsible policies, not only in foreign policy and economics, but also in social and environmental policy. This is not normal government policy. Now is the time for the American people to engage in civil disobedience. I think it's time to protest as much as possible." - American 2001 Nobel Prize laureate for economics George A. Akerlof. *** **** *** "Ask me about my vow of silence." - the Spider Man. *** **** *** "I have been under strict orders since January 2001 not to do any cartoons about Bush that are derogatory. My cartoons can be neutral in tone or praiseworthy, but I cannot take him to task in a strong fashion." - Scranton Times editorial cartoonist Dennis Draughon. *** **** *** "I am not sure whether he knows all of the prophecies and how deep of a student he has been in God's Word, but I was contacted a few weeks ago by the Office of Public Liaison for the White House and by the National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice to make an outline. And I've spent hours preparing it. I will release this information to the public in September, but it's in his hands." - televangelist Jack Van Impe, who was apparently approached by the White House about preparing an outline for how Armageddon is supposed to go down. *** **** *** "We will bring the weapons and, of course... w-we will bring the information forward on the weapons when they find them. And that will end up - end all this speculation." - Preznit Dubya, during an appearance with Tony Blair. *** **** *** "Between trying to impeach Bill Clinton, Florida 2000 and the recall in California, I'm beginning to think that Republicans will do anything to win an election -- except get the most votes." - Bill Mahr cracks wise. *** **** *** "Whale flatulence stuns scientists." - The funniest newspaper headline of the year. *** **** *** "There needs to be a focused coalition effort in the region against peace. I mean, against terror, for peace." - Guess who? *** **** *** "I will be found dead in the woods." - British weapons expert Dr David Kelly, who was found dead in the woods. *** **** *** "Civil disobedience is not our problem, our problem is civil obedience." - Howard Zinn, author of A People's History of the United States. *** **** *** "The sooner I am executed, the sooner I am going to heaven. I expect a great reward in heaven. I am looking forward to glory. I don't feel remorse. More people should act as I have acted." - Right-wing Christian terrorist Paul Hill. *** **** *** "Honestly, I think we should just trust our president in every decision that he makes and we should just support that, you know, and be faithful in what happens." - Brittney Spears. *** **** *** "P2P stands for piracy to pornography." - Andrew Lack, cheif executive of Sony Entertainment. *** **** *** "I got to be the most fucked-up rock star on the block -- at least on my block -- and then I got to be a sober dad for 18 years. I've had two very full lives." - Warren Zevon (1947-2003). *** **** *** "In all the debates over Iraq, we must never forget Iraq." - Preznit Dubya, on Aug. 26, 2003 *** **** *** "Suspects have been held in prison without access to their families, or a lawyer, or without knowing the charges against them. We've got hundreds of people, some of them as young as 12, captured in Afghanistan, brought to Guantanamo Bay and kept in cages for what is going on two years. I have never been as concerned for our nation as I am now about the threat to our civil liberties." - Former President Jimmy Carter. OCTOBER - NOVEMBER - DECEMBER "There's a lot of leaking in Washington DC. It's a town famous for it. And if this helps stop leaks of, this investigation and finding the truth, uh… it'll not only hold someone to account who should not have leaked. And this is a serious charge, by the way! We're talking about a criminal action. … I don't know who leaked the information for starters, so it's hard for me to find out the truth. I mean, you hear all kinds of rumors, and the best way to clarify the issue is full participation with the Justice department. Look, I want to know! I'd like to know, uh, who leaked. And if anybody's got any information inside our government or outside our government who leaked, you oughta take it to the Justice department so we can, uh… find out the leaker." - Preznit Dubya hilariously pretends not to know which one of his "advisors" broke CIA operative Valerie Plame's cover. *** **** *** "If I had an opportunity to shoot Britney Spears, I think I would." - Kendel Ehrlich, wife of Maryland's Republican governor Bob Ehrlich. *** **** *** "I don't know what is marijuana. Perhaps I will try it when it will no longer be criminal. I will have my money for my fine and a joint in the other hand." - outgoing Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien. *** **** *** "I read your book. When you get through, you say, if I could just get a nuclear device inside (State Department headquarters at) Foggy Bottom, I think that's the answer. And you say, we've got to blow that thing up." - Pat Robertson, during an interview with neoconservative think-tanker Joel Mowbray. *** **** *** "Stop means Stop." - Atrios sums up the Kobe Bryant conundrum. *** **** *** "The story of what we've done in the postwar period is remarkable. That's a better and more important story than losing a couple of soldiers every day." - congressman George Nethercut (R-WA) sticks his foot in it. *** **** *** "There are no images of flag-draped coffins in this war to remind people of the human price being paid. That's because the media are prohibited from filming or photographing soldiers' remains being sent home... Would the media give more coverage to U.S. fatalities in Iraq if we were allowed to see the flag-draped coffins coming home?" - MSNBC's Martha Brant. *** **** *** "If people knew how KFC treats its chickens, they'd never eat another drumstick." - semi-retired hepC victim Pamela Anderson, suffering from a bout of mental PETArdation. *** **** *** "Bill Clinton brought on an epidemic of oral sex in the middle and high schools of this country that we cannot seem to put down. That is the legacy of Bill Clinton." - Jerry Falwell still can't let go. *** **** *** "Honestly, it's a little tougher than I thought it was going to be. If we have to, we may just mow the whole place down, see what happens. You're dealing with insane suicide bombers who are killing our people, and we need to be very aggressive in taking them out." - Chickenhawk segregationist piece-of-shit Trent Lott, advocating attrocities. *** **** *** "Uh... look. We, we, we are, uh... We're arming -- raising money, to wage a... campaign." - Preznit Dubya discusses Election 2004. Clark, Dean, Kerry and the rest better keep away from small airplanes, if they don't wanna get Wellstone'd. *** **** *** "It felt like it had gone to sleep on me, so I picked my foot up and was trying to massage it, trying to get the feeling back. But then it dawned on me: it wasn't even connected. So I put it on the floor." - Sgt Mike Meinen, whose right let was torn off during an RPG attack. *** **** *** "We save million-dollar homes for a dollar an hour. You get to help people. It's better doing this than being locked up." - Prison inmate Ricky Frank talks about his experience being put to work fighting California's wildfires. *** **** *** "I killed so many women I have a hard time keeping them straight. I wanted to kill as many women as I thought were prostitutes as I possibly could. In most cases, when I killed these women, I did not know their names. Most of the time I killed them the first time I met them, and I do not have a good memory of their faces. ... I picked prostitutes because I thought I could kill as many of them as I wanted without getting caught." - the Green River Killer, Gary Ridgway, confesses to 48 murders. *** **** *** "The Great American Eagle needs both a Left Wing and a Right Wing to fly." - anon. *** **** *** "It looks like the people of San Francisco are an endangered species, which may not be a bad thing. That's probably good news for the country." - Florida governor Jeb Bush. *** **** *** "At pretty much the same time the president was pummeling the press for hiding the good news out of Iraq, his own CIA was deciding that things were going from bad to worse." - Josh Micah Marshall, of Talking Points Memo, the best political blog on the web. *** **** *** "Nobody likes war. See, I understand the consequences of war. I understand particularly when I go and hug the moms and dads and brothers and sisters and sons and daughters of those who died. I can see also the consequences of NOT acting, of hoping for the best in the face of tyrannical killers." - from Preznit Dubya's interview with the London Sun tabloid. At the time, he had yet to attend a single funeral. *** **** *** "The current workings of the finance industry are, in sum, a giant conspiracy to loot ordinary investors for the benefit of its members and their friends." - Ian Williams, for AlterNet. *** **** *** "I can no longer try to live my life by making other people happy. I can no longer turn over the power of my feelings to anybody else, which is what I have done a lot of my life. I denied myself who I was and I denied the other people I was talking to and relating with who I really am, and that isn't good. … I put myself first." - Rush Limbaugh, after five weeks of rehab. *** **** *** "I don't think the issues on hand were combat issues. I think they were missing home, very much wanting to go home and as a result did harm to themselves. Unfortunately they did pass away." - Captain Justin Cole explains to Reuters that many of the American military suicides in Iraq are actually the result of people injuring themselves in an attempt to be sent home, then dying before they can receive medical attention. *** **** *** "I was offered photos of Jessica Lynch. I purchased them in order to keep them out of circulation, not to publish them. Jessica Lynch is being used as a pawn by the media and by the government to create a hero who can sell this war to the American people." - Larry Flynt, American original. "The Founding Fathers would have hanged anybody who tried to get this through the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Hanged." - Gore Vidal discusses the U.S.A.P.A.T.R.I.O.T.A.C.T. and its various mutant offspring. *** **** *** "The power of the media to create and destroy human values comes with great responsibility. Those who control the media are accountable for its consequences." - An international tribunal that found three former Rwandan media executives to be guilty of genocide. *** **** *** "I don't want to say anything against the government because I don't want anything to happen to my children." - Shelby Chong, wife/mother/partner of incarcerated marijuana-martyr Tommy Chong. *** **** *** "I like doughnuts. I like sweets. I like candy." - Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Leiberman. *** **** *** "If I drink water I will have to go to the bathroom and how can I use the bathroom when my people are in bondage?" - Saddam Hussein refuses a glass of water. *** **** *** "Kyoto and its policies are inconsistent with freedom, prosperity and environmental policy progress. I'm becoming more and more convinced, as time goes by and we look at the research, that global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people and the world." - Oklahoma senator James Inhofe (R). *** **** *** "We now have weeks of uncertainty about when the ice will come. In the spring the ice melts not at the end of June but weeks earlier. Sometimes the ice is so thin hunters fall through. The ocean is too warm. Our elders, who instruct the young on the ways of the winter and what to expect, are at a loss. Last Christmas after the ice had formed the temperature rose to 4C and it rained. We'd never known it before." - Sheila Watt-Cloutier, chairwoman of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference. *** **** *** "I'm disappointed. I was ready to go. The stay only means 18 more months of this crap." - Kevin Lee Zimmerman, a man who admits he's guilty, and who wants to die, reacts to his death sentence stay. |
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Thu Jan-15-04 11:41 AM Response to Original message |
1. Is Helen Thomas really 137 years old? |
She looks damn good.
Thanks for the interesting quotes. |
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Thu Jan-15-04 11:47 AM Response to Original message |
2. Thank you! |
These are really great quotes. I collect this sort of thing and happily added these to the others.
Thanks again, and I didn't worry at the 137 year-old - I knew what was meant, and that's what is importanct in your post. |
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Thu Jan-15-04 12:49 PM Response to Reply #2 |
4. You're welcome! And I only tease Helen... |
...because I love her.
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Thu Jan-15-04 11:49 AM Response to Original message |
3. And by the way - Wecome to DU!! (n/t) |
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