Bush must...no, Bush WILL lose in November. I can sense it. HE WILL LOSE.
Of course, that's reason to celebrate when the time comes, but that's when your/our jobs really begin. If you though the fascists in the "liberal media" were harsh on the Clinton Presidency, just wait until they start attacking whoever wins the Presidency this year. They will attack ruthlessly and ceaselessly. Nothing will be sacred. They will not acknowledge their hypocrisy. They will not apologise. They will not relent.
We can deal with that when the time comes. Hopefully the new President will make restoring the FCC's 'equal time' laws one of his first priorities. Then, at least, the half of the US population who aren't RWers will at least have a voice and a sense of community beyond DU. Then we can PROVE what we already know, that a majority of Americans want the military out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We can PROVE that most Americans care more about healthcare than bombs. We can PROVE that a clean environment is more important to most Americans than three SUVs in the garage. We can PROVE that a clear majority of Americans want a kinder, more gentle society. We can PROVE that good schools and hospitals are more important than tax cuts. We can PROVE that most Americans want alternative fuels instead of dying for the last drops of oil on the planet. We can PROVE that America's ideals are one and all, the same as the rest of humanity's.
However, defeating Bush is what it's all about, for now.
I'm asking myself, "what can I do?". Sadly, waaay over here in Canada, not much. I can't even vote. But what I can do is be loud and proud. No longer the apologetic, polite, tolerant liberal. If you're a RW supporter, I'm in your freakin' face, 24/7.
I urge you all to do the same. We're about to see it get far, far uglier in the months leading up to the election. Are you ready to fight? I know I am!
Just ask yourself, right now, "what can I do?". If you aren't doing everything you can, why the hell aren't you?
This is the time, people. This is what we're all about.