I need some eloquent answers to this post from a Freeper-type, that includes sources for the information.
I get angry and screw it up.
Starts here:
Nobody has made a remotely persuasive case that Bush lied about WMD's. The German, Russian, French, Israeli, British, and Chinese governments all agreed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. In fact, the German assessment of Iraq's WMD potential was even more dire than ours; they were convinced Saddam would have a nuclear weapon by 2005.
Former President Bill Clinton and his entire administration also believed Saddam had WMDs. In 2002 Robert Einhorn, Clinton's point man on WMDs, testified to Congress, "Today, or at most within a few months, Iraq could launch missile attacks with chemical or biological weapons against its neighbors" -- including our 100,000 troops in Saudi Arabia.
The threat of chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons being used against U.S. territory proper was only a few years away according to Einhorn. Dick Gephardt, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, Wesley Clark, Joe Lieberman, Tony Blair, Hillary Clinton, Jacques Chirac, and Gerhard Schroeder. All of these people believed Iraq had major stockpiles of WMDs.
So, here's a question for the class: Were all of these people "liars", like President Bush?
No? Why not?
You can't have it both ways. You can't say Bush lied while others who said the same thing were being honest. The Bush White House was operating with fundamentally identical information to that of the Clinton Administration, Robert Einhorn, et. al. so how do you justify excusing their dire pronouncements as a mere "mistake" caused by poor or misleading intelligence, while claiming that the same pronouncements of the Bush Administration, based on the same intelligence estimates, were "lies" motivated by greed and bloodthirstiness?
Now, let me say that I do think the failure to find WMD's is troubling, and may well constitute the second-biggest blunder in faulty intelligence since Pearl Harbor (9/11 being the first) -- though I would also temper that assessment by referring you to my previous post a few comments up; given the enormous scale of the task, and the difficulty in finding what we're looking for just within those "approximately 130 known" sites alone, much less somewhere within a land mass the approximate size of California, it could take years to find what's been hidden. (Hell, they're still finding old minefields from wars fought 50 years ago!)
If it was an intelligence screw-up, though, then given that France, Germany, Russia, Britain, China, and Israel all believed the same thing we did -- that indeed, much of what we thought we knew (such as the infamous "yellowcake-from-Niger") came from information given to us by the intelligence agencies of those same countries -- then Saddam managed to bluff a hell of a lot of people into believing he was holding a royal flush when all he had was a pair of twos, and George W. Bush was hardly the only person to have bought it...