The company I used to work for is, AFAIK, out of business now. (What does one do with one's resume when the company at which one had one's longest continual stint of employment no longer exists? It plays hell with the references, that's for sure.) They laid me off in mid-October, and I heard that as of roughly New Years', the company had died, more or less.
Of course, the government bastards have messed up my unemployment payments, so my rent cheque bounced. (My landlord will never trust me again, and it took me over a year to build that relationship -- thanks Human Resources Development Canada, I knew I could count on you!)
Apply like crazy and don't give up. Things are developing for me (finally) after a long slow period from October to January.
As to the outsourcing issue, as a former "nearshored" worker (playing on the exchange rate), I can't say I begrudge people anywhere their jobs, but employers ought to have to pay nearshores, offshores, and outsources what they pay their domestic workers. Then we'd see how many of those jobs really would go elsewhere