I am thinking of starting a banner exchange program for Liberal websites only. Something to get us all more traffic to our websites other than link trades. Let's face it a lot of people don't click on our link pages so this would get our websites some extra hits.
With a banner rotation program they would see your banner ad, and even if they don't click it right then they might remember it and visit your website at a later time. The banner ads would all be put on the front page of each website right at the top of the page.
I know you are thinking nobody clicks on banner ads, I agree, I usually don't either. But most of those banner ads go to corporate websites that just want your business. But if I am at a liberal website, and I see a banner for a liberal website that I have not been to before, I will click on it and visit that website.
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in joining such a program. I would host all the banners on my server and charge a small fee for running the program and hosting the banners etc.
When I say small fee, I was thinking of maybe $10 a month or $100 a year, I think that is a fair price for running the program and hosting all the banners etc. Considering websites like Bartcop charge $10 a day for a banner ad, $10 a month is hell of a deal. And the website whatreallyhappened.com charges $100 a month with a 3 month minimum to host a banner ad.
I have a simple javascript that automatically rotates banners in a random starting order and then changes to a new banner every 2 or 3 seconds. Right now I am trying to get about 5 to 10 webmasters to join the banner ad program. If they do I will run it, I don't want to waste my time setting it all up if nobody is going to join.
I am also planning to start a new website in a month or so. I will add the banner program to that website too.
PM me or e-mail me and let me know if you would want to join the program. If I can get at least 5 webmasters to join I will start the program and set it all up. My website (www.oreilly-sucks.com) gets between 20,000 and 30,000 unique hits a month so your banner would be seen by a lot of people just from my website.
This could be a cheap way for people with liberal websites to drive traffic to other like minded websites. Not to mention it would piss off O'Reilly even more. When he visits my website to see what I am saying about him, he will see all those banners to liberal websites.
As of right now (1:45pm cst - 1-17-04) I have one website signed up, and a possible 2nd website. If I get 5 websites to join I will get it going. I will give it until next tuesday or wednesday, if I don't have at least 5 websites signed up by then I probably wont do it.