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Why Sarko's just a big girl's blouse( or Paris Morals Squad activity)

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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 05:19 PM
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Why Sarko's just a big girl's blouse( or Paris Morals Squad activity),11882,1125168,00.html

Why Sarko's just a big girl's blouse

Jon Henley in Paris
Saturday January 17, 2004
The Guardian

Across the street from our flat is a small shop window. On display are a dusty selection of oriental curios - model rickshaws, china elephants, bamboo fans, a drooping bunch of silk orchids - discreetly lit in red and purple. Behind them is a net curtain, permanently drawn. On the door it says: Body Relax Institute.
A hundred metres up the street is another, this one called Thai Feelings. The same eastern dolls, lacquered teacups and carved wooden water-buffalos, the same net curtain, the same regular flow of men glancing quickly up and down the street before ringing the doorbell and ducking inside.

In the streets up towards the distinctly seedy Place de Clichy, there are of course many more. One feels the need to proclaim the special proficiency of its proprietor: Graduate of the Corporeal Relaxation and Physical Stress Relief Department of the University of Bangkok. <snip>

So when our interior minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, said last week prostitution in Paris had fallen by 40% thanks to his recent crusade (which included making it an offence to stand on a street corner in a low-cut blouse), it seemed a tad optimistic. It takes more than one unusually hyperactive minister to cut part of the capital's very fabric. <snip>

Just how deeply prostitution is ingrained in French culture is plain from the number of words to describe its practitioners: chandelle (those who wait under a lamp-post), marcheuse (walks the street), entraineuse (works a bar), caravelle (at the airport), the michetonneuse (cafe terrace) and that relative newcomer, la call-girl. <snip>

"It's logical," says Sylvie the neighbour. "Sarko's done wonders for the rent of small retail premises round here. It'll be like Amsterdam, but behind net curtains."

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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 07:00 PM
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1. an offence to stand on a street corner in a low-cut blouse? - anyone have
copy of this law?

As in what is "stand" - can you wait for traffic?

and what is low cut - one button or two?
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