They used to chase the fish with the net, but after I showed them the two-net trick, everyone there uses two nets to bail out the fish.
I buy some of my display fish there. Got some Dempseys there and some from a little place called The Aquarium on Yadkin Road. I got my Firemouth there. Actually, the reason I have Dempseys in the first place is because of the stupidity of the Petsmart associates. I was going to breed Firemouths. Went to Petsmart to buy two of them. Wound up with one Firemouth and one Dempsey. Dempseys are more fun, so that's what I mostly keep now.
Things I like about this Petsmart:
* reasonably knowledgeable associates; the ones I deal with all keep multiple tanks at home
* the best filtration system in town. I've seen it--a huge wet-dry system with a 500-gallon sump backing it up. (Unfortunately, they couldn't get it restarted after the hurricane last year and lost everything. It's running on an UPS and a standby generator now.)
* large selection of popular fish
* both Tetra and Hikari foods
* they discontinued the painted glassfish
Things I don't like:
* They're selling channel catfish and Pacu. The largest tank Petsmart can get you is a 150 tall; they also have 125 longs. Neither a channel cat nor a Pacu can live in a tank that small.
* No ability to special-order anything. I really want a Royal Plecostomus ( None of the seven fish dealers in town can get me one, so that's no ding against them, but they can't special-order *anything*--and there's stuff I need and have to drive to Charlotte to get. Specifically, Eheim filter media. (I could go online to get it, true, but you can't order Krystal hamburgers online and I like to stop at the Krystal stand when I go to Charlotte.)
* Inability to identify some of the fish they have. One day I was in there and they had a sign on a tank: "Royal Plecostomus $39.95." He was in a tank by himself--as you'd expect of a $40 fish. Then it swam out into plain sight; not only wasn't it a Royal Pleco, it wasn't even a loricariid. It was a bagrid! (How to tell: A loricariid is armored; a panaque (the subgroup of Loricariidae that contains the Royal Pleco) has seven armor plates. A bagrid is a smooth-skinned catfish.) Admittedly, this is a stretch--they normally don't have any catfish except sailfin plecos, a handful of corydoras, a couple of synodontis species--especially upside-down cats, which are a lot of fun--and the aforementioned channel cats. Naturally, they don't tell you that channel cats are (1) coldwater fish and (2) predatory. Or (3) that people pull six-footers out of the Cape Fear River four or five times a year and four-footers about once a week. IIRC over sixty channel cats that were at least 48 inches in length were caught in this river in 2003. You don't grow to four feet long eating muck off the bottom, children.
I have occasionally thought of opening a fish store with some of the more interesting fish you don't see in the chain stores, adequate-sized aquariums (read: huge) and high-performance filtering systems. You can't get discus around here. You can't get ancistrine plecos. You can't get any of the really fun fish you read about in the magazines. Hell, you can't even get Rams!