Does anyone else remove dust jackets with Bush's picture?
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Sun Jan-18-04 12:00 AM
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Does anyone else remove dust jackets with Bush's picture? |
Most of the anti-Bush books have his picture on the dust jacket. Some are dorky like the one on "Bushwacked," but I still always take the cover off. I can't stand to look at his face. Does anyone else do this?
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Sun Jan-18-04 12:04 AM
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1. No, but I do a little artwork on them with marker pens. |
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Sun Jan-18-04 12:09 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
I think I will try that. It sounds very therapeutic.
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Sun Jan-18-04 12:12 AM
Response to Reply #3 |
4. Oh, it is and it just brings out those cartoony creative juices in me. |
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Sun Jan-18-04 12:09 AM
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Last summer my dad was reading Bush at War book while we were visiting my grandparents. My grandmother and I made him take the cover off so we wouldn't have to see Bush's face.
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Sun Jan-18-04 12:47 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
and I do it at the bookstore. I also try to hide any book that is pro * if I can, although I am very discreet.
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Sun Jan-18-04 12:58 AM
Response to Reply #5 |
i go to book-stores just for that reason... sometimes i go to the library and do it there too... and it is always best to hit some second hand stores...
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Sun Jan-18-04 09:13 AM
Response to Reply #6 |
8. Most libraries cello jacket the books; how do you manage? I'm sorry, that' |
just asinine, people. I've been in the book biz for 10 years (now I'm a librarian).
How childish can you get?
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Sun Jan-18-04 09:11 AM
Response to Reply #5 |
7. The retailers just get extra dustjackets from the publishers, in |
fact, it's become common enough that extra jackets are often shipped with the books. I worked at B&N for several years--I hate when people do stuff like this.
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Sun Jan-18-04 11:27 AM
Response to Reply #7 |
9. I do think that defacing book jackets should be |
limited to ones that you own.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:12 AM
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