Hi, I'm Brad Mason the creator of Tornado Fighters. The advancements made in tornado detection has put the ball in mans court as far as the next step in tornado defense. The stopping of the tornado and its dastardly evil. Following, I'll try to convince you to protect your lives and property from the tornado.
Fine Points
Too(sic) thoroughly choke off the downdraft that internally powers the tornado (and the super cell of clouds that surround it) we may need to hit it in two places at once. If the distance to be traveled by the rocket is the hypotenuse of a right triangle made by the base of the tornado, its highest visible point and the ground level location of the rocket launcher. Then, the 3/4 mi. rocket is set to detonate at the highest visible point of the tornado, say 800 ft. This would be a starting point for F0 and F1 size tornados. The debris field is relevant. Then the 1 mile rocket could be angle preset to detonate at 3600 ft. Since the 1 mi. rocket has further to travel it should be fired 1 second before the 3/4 mi. rocket.
The animated gif is particularly convincing.
on edit: Just to clarify, in case there was some confusion, I'm not Brad.