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Wow, Repuke Bush-licker Jason Louis on "at Issue" this morning

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thermodynamic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-03-03 09:43 AM
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Wow, Repuke Bush-licker Jason Louis on "at Issue" this morning
Couldn't make a coherent statement let alone a coherent argument. Typical repuke, he kept bashing the Dems and saying we're anti-business and the company moved to wisconsin to evade Minnesota's taxes. (geez, Pawlenty helped to give businesses tax breaks for 5 years in a row and has dismantled lots of programs; let alone his shady dealings with corporations when he should have known better, and yet he thinks he'll straighten out MN's budget... And businesses are still complaining about being overly taxed?! What happened to COMPROMISE, people?!)

Okay, now I personally am anti-business (as the situation currently stands in America) but most Dems are pro-worker. Pro-worker does NOT mean anti-business and the pukes will never made such a clarification because it's too rational.

He also made a comment that Repukes also need to go more on the offensive. :wow:

My God, it's the Dems who need to go on the offensive as the pukes do NOTHING BUT BE OFFENSIVE (and being offensive too)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He also bitched about the failure of demand-side economics. :eyes: Um, looking at Reagan and Bush II's useless policies, it's supply-side economics that fails!!
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mjb4 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-03-03 09:53 AM
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1. never mentioned CLINTON?
surprising...that fat chick on Bill Mahr got into a tight and went for the CLINTON! sorry sick bastards...
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