I've got this sunset picture. (BTW: Don't go to Proex; they left fingerprints and scratches on my negatives! x( Unforgiveable, considering their prices.)
I've scanned in the negative at 3200DPI (though the scanner says it's 3200x6400 optical resoultion). I've cleared up the scratches and now I've got a decent sized image on which to play with.
I intend to make a large 13x19" print of this image.
I've got two options:
1. Leave the sunset as it is (a muted orange gradient) but would leave the detail of the tree trunks that span the middle of the picture.
2. Digitally enhance the image to bring out the sunset with vibrant intensity, but this would eliminate the detail of the trees in the pricess, leaving only a black silhouette. (These trees are birch trees, hence their ability to be seen at all from the distance involved - I was 1/5th mile away from the trees.) Note, I tried enhancing only the skyline, but this created a slight glowing halo effect at the horizon line between sky and trees. Yuck. Very unnatural.
The below is a scanned 4x6" print of the image in question. Apparently, having confirmed the print with the unmodified scanned negative, Proex had indeed fiddled with the colors themselves and the birch trunks are barely visible. (And amusingly, the 4x6" print is grainy DESPITE using ISO 200 film. Even the scanned negative looked cleaner, though I used tools to clean it up even more so.)
