Israeli comedy screen at Boston's Coolidge Corner Theater tomorrow night..
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Wed Jan-21-04 04:40 PM
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Israeli comedy screen at Boston's Coolidge Corner Theater tomorrow night.. |
Channel Zero returns to the Coolidge Corner Theater Thursday January 22nd 2004 7:30pm with a screening of Ephraim Kishon's hilarious comedy: "The Policeman" (1971) Shaike Ophir stars as a good hearted Israeli beat cop on his last day before retirement. The hookers, religious zealots and other oddments who comprise the citizens of his beat combine to stage a crime for our hero to solve as a "going-away-present". When you need a laugh Then you need The Policeman! It's Funny It's Israeli What more needs be said? Thursday January 22nd 7:30pm Admission $6.50 Coolidge Corner Theater Video Screening Room 290 Harvard Street Brookline Ma.
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Wed Jan-21-04 08:36 PM
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Sorry folks but I need butts in the seats this time.... :)
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Wed Jan-21-04 08:47 PM
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It's Funny It's Israeli What more needs be said
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Thu Jan-22-04 10:08 AM
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must needs when the devil rides and all like that! :)
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:19 AM
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