Who owned or still owns Disco Clothes?
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Thu Jan-22-04 03:52 PM
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Who owned or still owns Disco Clothes? |
I use to love wearing the Olivia Newton John hold every fat roll in slutty looking clothes when Disco was popular. You could spill a drink or food on your clothes and it ran right off and didn't even leave a stain.
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Thu Jan-22-04 03:53 PM
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1. I posted pics of my famous "disco shoes" a while back |
still have some of the clothes.. ( they don't fit though :(..)
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Thu Jan-22-04 04:10 PM
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2. Low cut leotard and wrap around skirt, both all man made fiber. |
Just got rid of my platform clogs.
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Thu Jan-22-04 04:11 PM
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3. I remember...what the hell was that fabric called? |
No more disco clothes. Traded them in for Jeans, oxford shirts, loafers or Keds, Liz Clairborne denim jacket or wool blazer. From disco Debbie to Grandma :evilgrin:
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Thu Jan-22-04 04:14 PM
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4. Bullet proof polyester |
Someone could shoot you in it and it would deflect the bullets.
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Thu Jan-22-04 04:15 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
5. but, they gave it a nice name... |
AAAAHHHH I remember! I think - was it Celanese or something like that?
commander bunnypants
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Thu Jan-22-04 04:17 PM
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with my denim, rhinestones, and shoes with little fish
shuffles out of room
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Thu Jan-22-04 04:19 PM
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You wouldn't want the bowls to break as you are walking like on the movie I'm gonna get you sucka.
commander bunnypants
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Thu Jan-22-04 04:20 PM
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:16 AM
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