is taught in public schools...
First Kansas and now Ashcroft's home state of Missouri...the pugs gained control of both houses in Jefferson City and this is what we get. Considering that there is a good possibility Holden may not HOLD-ON to the governorship (he's not that popular) Missouri could have a pug governor in November...ugh...
I looked in Latest Breaking News and was not sure this belonged there so I am sharing it with the Lounge Lizards.'s+origins&highlight=2%2CevolutionBill defines how to teach life's origins
By Carolyn Bower
Of the Post-Dispatch
Schools would be
required to teach
intelligent design
A handful of Missouri legislators have signed on to a proposal that would change how teachers introduce students to information about the origin of life.
Public school teachers who teach evolution also would have to teach intelligent design under the proposal pending in the Missouri House of Representatives.
New textbooks would have to label evolution as a theory that cannot be proved. A teacher, principal or superintendent could be fired for deliberately ignoring these requirements.