Sheeesh, If you are gonna be a boss. Be a boss. Listen to them, let them vent, but never wright thier feelings off.
Had a client for three years, talked, reffered, explained, and educated this guy for three years. The client never wanted to do anything except blame others for his problems, still lives with his daddy and will never grow cause daddy keeps wiping his butt.
Well, I forget to call back once and allof a sudden I am a bad person. My boss never stood up for me, refused to discuss the case with and never gave me the chance to defend my self or confront the client.
Well boss lady, you lost any respect I ever had for you!!!!!
and I friggin hope you are reading this. You might be the boss, but your actions show a lack of maturity in the area of interpersonal relations. I am glad there is now a new level between you and I cause I wont have to deal with you