This is a different group than Forrest Officers.
Anyway, my editor told me to go and kiss there asses because they used to always call and gives us stories and stuff. Then we had a reporter who kept fucking up their names in stories and stuff, so they kind of broke off our contact. But my editor said they used to take our reporters out in helicopters while they tagged Grizzly bears and things like that. So I went down there yesterday and was real enthusiastic towards them and what they do (I didn't have to fake it, I really was excited) Anyway, today one of them took me to get some pics of garbage that's being dumped on some backroads.
Then we went to track a Cougar. The Cougar is tagged and he had a little radar that beeped when we got near it. We couldn't find it because it was down a valley and I was wearing a suit and dress shoes, but he said if I get my hiking boots we can go looking for it one day. THen I can get a couple pics. As well they are tagging six more for a study next month so they'll call me for some of that. AND he said he'll call me for any Grizzly bear action...I'm so excited..he even said I can touch the bears when they're sedated!
Needless to say, work got even more fun today.
How was your day?