bunch of other initials i can not recall.... not to mention WJC and how he ultimately f*cked the Jamaicans... it is a good flick, it can inform people (m%#@e) of international strong arming and the destruction of a free enterprise within a sovergn nation....
it was revealing and exposing but for me just not enough MTV style drama....
has anyone seen it, ...if not then, wether you be a Dem in need of info or just some F*cking dum*a** freeper i recomend a delve in perception of how others of our planet try to survive...
i am feeling a little ve-clemped tawlk amongst yourselves i'll give you a topic, do you think that joblessness, poverty and debt ridden is the paths of the U.S.? The author believes the U.S. is already well on it's way, how does that impact you? If you are unprepared to discuss this topic please feel free to enter the world of international strong arming... look below for starters...
http://www.lifeanddebt.org/or just short cut to the related infolink: