THE WHISPERING CAMPAIGN is coalescing into a group effort and we need your help.....
The Whispering Campaign is an opportunity to become ACTIVELY involved in waking up the American public without drawing attention to yourself. This is a game of Political "Gossip" where the story of our Government's deception and betrayal gets passed from one villager to another until the jungle drums of discontent, rage and fury become a never-ending cacophony in the background that the media can't ignore. Anyone can play. The rules are simple: make ten copies of the ooriginal post and leave it in a public place where someone else will find it and read it. Ideal locations for maximum exposure include book stores, copy shops, libraries and train stations. Buses, taxis, laundromats, and check-out lines at the grocery store. Hair salons, rest rooms, gas stations and convenience stores. Anywhere you happen to be will work just fine. If you do this every week from now until November, we can start the "buzz" that ends the Bush Administration......
We plan on establishing a web site of various topics for distribution. If you've written a piece for DU that deserves a wider audience, if there's an "issue" from our growing list you'd like to develop and write about or if there's a topic you'd like to suggest. please weigh in here: if you just want to have some fun with the mischief of "Dropaganda", we want to know you're on board so let us know that too!
If the media won't get the Truth out there, then
WE will!