Bush admitted that there were no WMDs the second that he wouldn't let the UN inspectors in.
about the "boom"
There was no "boom". We have been in the Reagan/BushI recession for the last 24 years.
http://www.prospect.org/print-friendly/print/V12/7/reich-r.htmlThe dirtiest little secret about the Roaring Nineties is that average working families gained almost no income, while their health care costs soared. From 1986 through 1997 (the latest year for which detailed IRS data are available), the average income of the richest 1 percent of Americans rose 89 percent, to $517,713. During these same years, the average income of the bottom 90 percent of Americans rose 1.6 percent, to $23,815. (These figures, not incidentally, are after all federal income taxes were paid.)From 1997 to 2000, the stock market got artificially bloated. Work visas were used to drive down wages and the stealing of pensions picked up.
The working poor has been taking it up the ass the whole time, except it was done with a smidgen of vaseline from 1992 to 2000. Then again, the working poor were paid back in spades with "welfare reform".
As far as "health insurance" goes, I want
NO part of it. I want healthcare.