You know those little

that you click on to rid yourself of topics that are of no use or importance ?
Suppose the Mystic Yak awarded you Two " World

You could assign them to a person or group of persons
as long as the members of the group were all very narrowly definable.
For example the choices at the moof hut would be
1. The freakin royals
2. The pope
from now on there would never be anotbher story cross paths
with moof that had anything to do with the head ghosty liason.
and never again anything about any of the dorks from the UK
that call castles home.
PS Elected officials of any or all parties = definable group
Christians = not definable group, sorry but you can't even agree amongst yourselfs.
Freepers = not definable group
Remember this is just like at DU , it takes them out of your loop
but everyone else still gets slimed.