A plane is about to crash, there are only 4 parachutes for 5 passengers.
The first passenger says: "Im Steven Spielberg, i have to finish my greatest movie, i cannot die yet". He grabs a parachute and jumps out of the plane.
The second passenger says: "Im Hillary Clinton, ex-first lady, Senator for NY, and possible sometime i'll become president of the U.S. Im too important to die". She grabs the second parachute and jumps. The third passenger says: "Im George W. Bush, the most intelligent, competent U.S. president ever, America loves me, i cannot die". He grabs one of the parachutes and jumps.
In the Airplane remains only 2 persons: John Paul II and a 10-year old boy.
The Pope says: "Im old and i dont have much time left, Since im a catholic i give you the last parachute"
And the kid says: "Dont worry Pope, bring your parachute too: the most intelligent U.S. president ever just jumped out with my knapsack"