Savannah Mo. pop 4,352 at last count. Back in the late nineties when the town was flush with cash, and everyone was screaming about the meth problem, the city decided they wanted to do something about it. The fact that property seizure was the big thing then probably didn't have anything to do with the decision, but, the local constabulary, with their dripping members in hand and salivating at the prospect of enriching the dept. The local constabulary stomped it's collective feet, held it's breath, and bullied the town council into buying a $15,000 drug dog. Now, they purchased this dog shortly before the fourth of July, and being patriotic Americans here we love blowing up firecrackers, bottle rockects, and anything else. The first drug dog wasn't conditioned against explosions, and some bright boy had it chained, "chained" inside the kennel. On the first explosion this dog scared to death jumped over the kennel fence and promptly committed suicide by hanging itself. Now, the town council, they scratched their heads, wondered about the need for a $15,000 drug dog. The local constabulary threw another fit, and bullied the council into taking the insurance money and buying another drug dog.
So, I told you that story to tell you this one. Up the hill, from me lives one of the big fish cops in our little pond, he bought the house after we had bought ours, and I really don't mind him living there, since I don't do anything to warrant looking at. Now piggie, we named him piggie, had a dog last year in this little kennel, accross the alley from us, that dog died, froze to death in all likelihood. They never let it out of the kennel, and didn't clean up after it too well either. Piggie, being one of the higher members of our police force, was entrusted with the care of the new $15,000 drug dog. Now, the meth freaks are still here, but the forfeiture laws have been changed and it's not open season on druggies or their assetts, and the $15,000 drug dog is more of a white elephant that someone has to take care of, that someone being our beloved neighbor. Here is the dilemma, this $15,000 dog, is stuck in a kennel 5x8 feet, they moved it down onto the old pad last week and I can watch it out of our kitchen window. Since they moved it I have yet to see anyone feed or water the animal, take it out of the cage for exercise, or clean up the excrement. I know mutts that are better taken care of, given a place inside someones home and fed and watered, one would think that a $15,000 investment would be taken care of. If I were to drop a kite on piggie about the care of this animal, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out who said anything, and I don't want to make enemies of the local law enforcement, so what do I do???