Dear Abby - I have a rather delicate interspecies dating question. Not that I'm prejudiced or anything like that; in fact, I have a mixed household where all species tend to live somewhat in easy camaraderie, if not in harmony.
Our neighbor downstairs has a young, "untutored" male cat, approximately eight months old. She has a bad habit of letting him roam outside as he wants - and often forgets to let him back inside before she goes to bed. He's still very, very friendly. Our five year old female dog met him a few weeks ago when he was hanging out with the kids in the side yard. As she's used to cats in the house, the most aggressive thing she did was gently sniff him. Then she started "flirting" - you know, innocently bouncing around attempting to invite play...and he started rubbing around her... Now when I take our dog out for a walk, especially in the mornings, he'll start yowling for her. If he's outside, he'll come up, rub against her, crouch down and reach up to pat her, all while she flirts doggie style...
I am not concerned about puppies in the future; she's had the operation. I fancy myself somewhat of a progressive, so I have offered some aid in altering the young male. However, I do have some concern as to how the local animal constabulary and legal minds will view such a relationship; interspecies friendships and co-employment is acceptable to the majority of society around here - however, I am not sure that the local society is ready for such relationships, indeed, with the current rise in public concern over "protection of marriage" and "statutory intercourse" (the male in this relationship is not a full adult tom as of yet) in this republican county, I shudder to think of how they would view such a relationship should it become public.
So I am asking for suggestions and advice concerning this issue.
Concerned in San Diego...