If I feel a dream isn't going how I like, I can change it. I even back it up to a certain point and go in a different direction.
Anyway, my fun dreams...
Geordi LaForge (the character not LeVar Burton) is in my home town (small farming community) and is at one of the only two story buildings "downtown" on a giraffe (tall) unicycle. I step out of a second story window onto his shoulders, and we go riding through town and into the country, and the further we go, the taller the unicycle gets until we're over trees, and there are wisps of clouds going by us. I look down, and I remember wondering how could he steer, and then I remembered that he has that visor thingy. That was probably it. I should have been wondering where all those trees came from since we were in Kansas. :)
Second one: I'm standing on a busy street corner with a blackboard, and I'm filling it up with physics equations while Oddjob from whatever Bond movie, is throwing his hat around and decapitating statues. I'm writing down the equations necessary for anyone to be able to do this. Man, I wish I could have remembered them when I woke up! :) Oh, and I've never seen a Bond movie in my life.
Third one: All my flying dreams. But I always fly stupidly. It can't be something cool like Superman. Either I have to stand on one leg, bend over at the waist and put my other leg as straight as possible out behind me then raise my second leg off the ground and hover there for a few seconds before I take off, or I have to have my arms straight out from my sides, and I have to rotate or spin them around as I'm flying to change my speed, go up or down, etc.
And the dream that most of us have of falling then we wake up when we hit the ground? It's always the same one where I'm in the downtown area of Wichita, and I step off a curb to cross the drive-in entrance to a building, and I approach the other curb, someone across the street yells at me. I turn to wave and trip on the other curb, and WHAM! I'm awake.