show last weekend- he's a major wingnut.
He's writing a book called "Why the Clintons Should Be in Prison."
He started off yelling at me "You kids! You bash Bush, he's doing what's right for this country, the Iraq War was the right thing, Saddam was involved in 911." etc.
I really wanted to talk to him and not get into a shouting match- and we did talk for a while and found some common ground. He recycled some of the Clinton pseudo-scandals. I was kind of drunk, but I did my best to debunk. Clinton burning the American flag- No, I told him, Clinton was out of the country attending Oxford at the time. Mena and the Cocaine ring- debunked. Travelgate, I was about to explain that people at the Travel Office had been embezzling money and that's why they were fired and Clinton only hired an family member temporarily, but at this point, I was like, aw screw it.
I really wish I had at least tried to explain Scaife, David Brock, and the Arkansas project. Don't you hate it when you kick yourself the next day, wishing you had said something?
He was going on about how Clinton was a liar, and I said, yeah, but that's how I feel about Bush- He's a big fat liar. Melrose Larry asked, "What has he lied about?" :wow:
Where could I begin?? B*shie lies about everything!!! Like I said, I was a bit drunk- WMDs, No Child Left Behind, Tax Cuts going mostly to the bottom, etc. I really don't understand how such an intelligent man (and Melrose Larry is VERY intelligent) could be so freakin clueless!! I swear, if they put half the effort into the REAL and NUMEROUS scandals/crimes/breaches of public trust coming out of the B*sh White House that they do into these Clinton fabrications, we would all be a lot better off.
I also met Rev. Bob Levy- VERY cool guy.
Anyway, that's my story.