First, please warm my cockles here in Chicagoland.
Seriously though, I have my 48 year old bestest friend in the world traveling to Phoenix in mid-March to visit her 22 year old daughter who moved out there a year and a half ago for a teaching job. She is bringing her 75 year old mom who has had knee replacements and doesn't move real well. Grandma is sharp as a tack but the joints are going.
What I need are some suggestions for something for them to do while they are all out there together. What kind of attractions are there relatively close by that don't require alot of walking? I offered to fly out and treat them all to a balloon ride but grandma nixed that one.
Are there any old time steam train rides, wildlife refuges, cultural events, nice auto tours, bingo halls??? I dunno, places to go, things to see that don't require alot of walking.
Any and all ideas are greatly appreciated!!