i don't know how many of you know the website IMAO, but i discovered it an hour ago and i think its fucking hilarious. sample this: In My World: Bush's Favorite Political Philosopher
"I bet no president has stuck more pencils in the ceiling of the Oval Office than me," Bush said smugly to himself as he sharpened more pencils.
From the shadows emerged the menacing, hooded figure of Karl Rove. "In a single scream, the candidacy of the one called Dean has nearly come to end - as predicted by the elders. Now you may face a greater opponent in your reelection, and we must prepare."
"Way ahead of you Rover," Bush said as he flung another writing utensil skyward. "I have hired new help for our reelection campaign. Get all the minds together for a meeting."
"It will be done," Rove said as he faded back into the shadows.
* * * *
In the war room/game room was assembled Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, and Scott McClellan. "What are we waiting for?" Rumsfeld demanded, "As we sit here, countries go unbombed!"
"Bush says he has a surprise for us," Scott said, "Aren't you excited?"
Rumsfeld's backhand knocked Scott from his chair.
Bush now entered the room. "In an effort to help with my reelection - and thus save all your jobs," he announced, "I've hired my favorite political philosopher - Jesus Christ!"
In entered the Son of God. "Hey everybody."
"Wow! It's Jesus!" Scott exclaimed as he picked himself off the floor.
"Aren't you the quick one," Condi stated sardonically.
"By they way, Jesus," Bush said, "Your new nickname is G-Man."
"Alright... I guess."
"So now why don't you turn water into wine or something?" Bush asked excitedly.
"No no no," Jesus answered, "Last time I turned water into wine we were all like, 'We can't let all this miraculous wine go to waste.' Next thing I know, I'm appearing in a vision to John babbling on about a red dragon with seven heads."
"Well, can't you bring Douglas MacArthur back from the dead to help in our fight against terror?" Bush inquired.
"I don't just do miracles on request," Jesus said.
"Aww," Bush moaned, "Well, I might as well introduce you to the guys."
"I already know everyone," Jesus stated.
"Oh yeah; you've probably seen them on T.V."
"He's omniscient, you jackass," Cheney yelled at Bush. He then looked to Jesus. "So, could you tell us what the Democrat's plans are?"continued here: http://www.imao.us/archives/001189.html