....I started off with the children's pastor at church as my fantasy father....I absolutely ADORED him, and he loved me, too....then he left the church abruptly, when I was 9, promised to stay in touch but never answered my letters...I cried myself to sleep for six months....
.....then I moved on for several years to Danny, the dad on "Full House," played by Bob Saget. He loved his kids, and the cleaning thing was a little weird, but he was fair and attentive, and as I grew up in a house that probably should have been condemned, the cleaning thing would have been easy to take....
....then I moved on to a man who attended my church. He was a great friend to me, a real mentor, until the day I turned 16 (and was old enough to legally consent) he started pressuring me for sex. I had NEVER seen it coming, not even a hint of a notion, and I really thought he spent time with me because he loved me, not because he wanted to fuck me, so, this fucked up all my ideas about men for several years....
....then, when I was 19, God actually gave me what I'd been wishing for since I was old enough to wish -- a real father. He loves me just for being me, is interested in and encouraging of my dreams and hopes, has taught me everything I should have learned when I was a kid (why I should avoid credit cards like the plague, how to reset a tripped circuit breaker, how to make a good omelette, how not to get fucked over at the mechanic's, how to balance a checkbook, etc., etc.). He has never touched me, or tried to touch me, except to give me hugs, has never been abusive in the slightest way, and when he moved 90 minutes away, he bent over backwards to make sure we could still see each other a lot. We e-mail daily and call a couple of times a week.
Having a father the last 6 years has been the best thing that's ever happened to me. It's one reason why I've been known to choke male friends who don't make efforts to be part of their kid's lives on a daily or near-daily basis.
Yes, I'm a feminist. But god fucking damn it, kids need their daddies, too.