There's this girl at work that has a major case of "I'm a new college grad princess and I know everything". She's been here about 6 months and has looked at me like I'm some kind of low level peon a few times. She had no idea who I was or what my job is but felt it was ok to treat me (and others in my group) like some subservient low lives . The group I'm in are the jeans and tennis shoe types, not Prada Princesses like her.
ANYWAY, I was called into a meeting that was in progress because they needed information on how long it would take to revamp some existing products for a certain deal that was due in 2 weeks. Being I am the manager of the group that does this type work, I was the one to call. I went into the meeting - jeans and tennies intact and sat down. I was introduced to those that didn't know me.. including the Princess who still didn't quite get what I do around here. Turns out Miss Princess made a deal with a 3rd party without asking the development team if it was even possible to make the necessary changes and how long it would take, how much it would cost etc.... Well, guess who got to tell her it wouldn't be possible unless she gave us 3 months and that it would cost her group more than 50 dollars to do it. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
She was so pissed and basically tried to tell me I was being unreasonable and must be incompetent if it would take THAT long to make the changes she needed. So, she got a lesson in software development, including programming changes and QA/testing, CD verification and duplication issues, in addition to the fact that we are already working on other projects which also have deadlines and we just can't stop work on them to get her stuff done. I got to leave the room when the VP that was present said I could leave and thanked me for my time.. I heard him flipping his wig to the remaining people that they are to NEVER sign a deal without talking to the people responsible for doing the actual work needed first. Now, Miss Prada has to get the Legal team involved over the contract which they will also be happy about.
It was especially gratifying to know that she now knows I make more money than her too... Guess wearing jeans to work isn't a good indicator of one's importance in the work place. Ahhhh the satisfaction of putting those snots in there place :evilgrin: