For this game you will need the following:
At least one pet. A cordless phone with an "intercom" feature. A mischevious mind. }(
1. Go outside on porch to smoke. 2. Notice said "intercom" feature. 3. Grin evilly to yourself. 4. Press button; call dog. 5. Listen to confused puppy racing around house, searching for you.
Do let it be said that I would certainly not think this was NEARLY as funny if I wasn't bored out of my skull and already seeking revenge on said puppy. He wakes me up at 6AM to be let out of his crate to go outside, only to escape the instant the crate was opened and immediately pooping all over the floor on my side of the bed (unbeknownst to me). Then we go outside and he proceeds to play for 10 minutes with me freezing to death on the porch. I finally give up and take him back inside, then come within centemeters of stepping in the pile when I (tired and freezing) climb back into bed. x(
And thus...TAKE THAT, GOMEZ!! :P