It's difficult for the adult mind to attempt to comprehend all the crazy background noise following us around as we go about our lives. We understand that grown ups, especially grown ups on television and radio and in print, lie. In fact, to us the lies are armature and obvious. When our favorite silly RW pundit makes a cute song equating evil with (fill in the blank), or, mightily condemns certain groups for destroying the fabric of this culture, how do kids synthesize that noise? If I were 6 or 7 again, I might think that grown ups want to kill each other for having different ideas.
And now that there is only one idea being advertised, the RW fundamentalist Corpo/Industrial/Military/Anti-Liberal/Anti-gay/Evil doers/Bible interpreters/Go to the Mall variety being the good guys, are our children being programmed for a future that will only accept these tenants?
The language that is used for public consumption is, in my opinion, as simple as the English language can be used. There are no challenges presented, no choices of thought, only the tone that demands single line response. Repetitive instructions as one liners. Is the noise retarding young minds? They know the names Laci, Michael, Kobe, Clinton's penis, but have no ideas about Emerson, Chomsky, Crick, or Gandhi.
The compelling desire for young people to belong, as we recall from our days in junior high, is powerful. I hope that the next generation will understand that conforming to the current fashionable culture is not always in their interest.