42 (and female) here, and...
Military ranks: All I know is that in the Navy, captains have three bars on the shoulder, and they call the frilly things on an officer's hat "scrambled eggs."
Guns, I do know. I know a little about reloading, too, but not enough to actually do it without blowing myself up.
Electricity: I can rewire fixtures & switches, but beyond that, it is scary stuff.
Football: Hate it with a passion, but "know the basic premise of the game" -- only against my will.
Wines: Know a little, but I just order what I like (which is usually cheap anyway).
Auto repair: Can jump-start an engine, change a tire and an air filter, and fill the fluids. I know what it means to gap a spark plug, but I have no idea why spark plugs are necessary -- it has something to do with electricity. The internal-combustion engine is truly magical. I think cars are really run by elves or angels or something.
Shakespeare: Um, there are witches in one, and fairies in another. All I know of Hamlet is "To sleep, perchance to dream." Oh, and never say "MacBeth" in an actors' dressing room -- it's bad luck.
Higher math: Hell, I can barely do lower math. I don't even know what calc & trig are for. My dad, however, was a genius at that stuff.
Genetics: I've got the basics of dominant and recessive genes down, and know why mutations happen, but only because my sister was a genetics major, so it kind of rubbed off. DNA, however, makes no sense to me at all. I think DNA was invented by O.J.'s prosecutor.
Cooking: No sweat. Love it. No recipe needed, ever. (Italian here too -- maybe that's why.)
Computers: Hate messing around with hardware, but the guts don't scare me. Can replace just about anything on the inside. Never have built a machine from scratch, though.
Photography: Parents were award-winning photographers, so that's something I do know. Can develop my own film & prints in a darkroom. But never learned to process color.
The American Revolution: My education in the founding of the U.S. was sorely lacking (maybe because the nuns were all Irish), so I've been teaching myself, slowly.
How to diagram a sentence: A complete mystery.
Plastic: I'm not exactly sure what plastic really is.
How to read music: I've tried -- no aptitude. :(
Craps: Can't retain any more than something about hoping the guy with the dice doesn't hit a seven. I can rattle off what beats what in poker, and tell you exactly what kind of payout you can expect from a full house on just about every video-poker machine in existence. :D