I am sitting here posting, because if I don't vent, I will be outside smoking one of my husband's cigarettes. I worked hard to quit, and I don't want to do that.
My fundie mother called. She needed the correct address for my son. I don't think she really needed it; what she had was correct. She just wanted to talk.
The conversation started off pleasantly enough. Then, she started complaining about my brother's kids, and how they don't speak to her or my dad. I asked her if she knew why they don't speak to her. I know, but I wanted to hear what she would say. She did acknowledge that she sent my unmarried niece a pamphlet about marriage. The pamphlet came from her church. My niece and her boyfriend live together and they have a daughter.
The truth is, she has interfered with their relationship, and she thinks she has a right to tell them what to do. They are both 25. She does not acknowledge her great granddaughter.
After she lied to me for awhile about how great she is as a grandmother, and how she is very very Lutheran, and that of course, gives her a right to tell others how to live, I tried to tell her why they wanted nothing to do with her, and I did it in as nice a way as I could.
I told her that if she acknowledged her great grandchild, they would thaw. I told her that if they had been nicer to my SIL, it would have helped family relationships. All she had to say was that her pastor told her it was okay to tell her grandchildren they had to get married, and that he said it was fine for her to "instruct" her daughter in law.
Then she started going on about Lutherans for Life and the crisis pregnancy center where she volunteers. She knows that everyone in my household is pro-choice. She knows we work for pro-choice initiatives, and support Planned Parenthood. I told her that we had had this conversation before, and I was not going to continue it again. I hung up on her.
My mother is 78 years old. I would welcome her deeper involvement in my life, and so would my kids and their cousins, if she would not tell everyone that they have to live according to her religion. This always happens, no matter how nicely the conversation or visit begins. I have gone out of my way to change the subject numerous times. My dad is just as bad.
I will not smoke!