Edited on Wed Feb-04-04 10:00 PM by Bertha Venation
This rec'd in email from a good friend back home, Carol, a 60-something Methodist Okie with beautiful, startling white hair and a shockingly outspoken personality to match (she lives in Huntington Beach, CA, where I'm from -- in my home district, even, the 46th):
Dear fellow travelers in the journey for justice:
Today I received my absentee ballot for the primary election. You may remember that I am a registered republican in Orange County -- don't ask, okay? Now it is debasing enough to have only George W. Bush or write-in as the presidential candidate choice -- although I could write in my own name I suppose.
But, oh the pain and woe, oh the sorrow: for the choice for the 46th district United States House of Representative is between Robert K. "Bob" (spear chucker) <a.k.a. "B-1 Bob"> Dornan and Dana (right wing surfin' buddy) Rohrabacher. Never in my 46 years of voting (had to wait then until we were 21) did the thought ever cross my mind that I would vote for a Dana Rohrabacher -- and I have had to chose between a lot of rascals. But now!!! -- I may just not vote.
crone/hermitess carol
I'm going to have to have a serious talk with my sisters. They didn't tell me that B-1 Bob -- unceremoniously, gloriously ousted from his seat in a neighboring district several years ago by Loretta Sanchez (not only a woman but a Hispanic woman! horrors!) -- was running against Rohrabacher in the Republican primary.
A very good friend of many friends back home, Gerrie Schipske, is running for the Democratic nomination and will probably get it. GO, GERRIE! Bless her dedicated heart, against B-1 Bob or Rohrabacher, her chances aren't very good, I'm afraid.