Does anyone else have to deal with really obnoxious people who won't admit they're obnoxious?
I can handle being yelled at. I can handle being reprimanded. I can even handle "I'm disappointed in you/you're smarter than that" lectures.
But I hate being condescended to! There's this woman who's in charge of an organization in my industry. We don't get along at all but I have to deal with her every few months.
This week, I needed to interview her. It was going to be a positive interview about being proud of one's work. Nothing controversial at all. So what does she do? She calls me back and says in that sacchrine-sweet voice, "Oh, I know we've been through this before. Do we need a reminder? You have to fax me the questions and we'll respond in writing. I'm sure we talked about this last time."
(No, last time you told me "Oh, I know you're young and relatively new to your position so maybe you don't understand..." :grr:)
I need a condescention immunity shield, so she can hurl that sweetness at me and it'll just bounce back.