Apparently they have me confused with somebody else, because it says that I am among a "select group of Republicans who have been chose to take part" in this census. My answers will be used to "develop a BLUEPRINT for the Republican Party" for the next 10 years.
Since there are 5.5 million of these floating around, I can have no statistical significance, but...
Most of the questions are written in that backhanded way, for example "Do you continue to support increasing the amount of security at airports, train stations and all government buildings including monuments and museums?" Now, having just been to DC, and having had to go through security to get into the Smithsonian, I was pissed and almost didn't enter out of protest. So I'm torn...
Two questions do stand out: "Should the Inheritance or "Death Tax" be permanently repealed?"
"Should we build President Reagan's SDI defense shield against nuclear missle attack?"
And then some are laughable: "Do you support President Bush's pro-growth policies to create more jobs and improve the economy?"
"Do you support the President's efforts to save Social Security and add a prescription drug benefit to Medicare?"
as if ANYTHING he has in mind will achieve either of those things. HA!
And then just after the gratuitous begging for money, they have a special question for RNC members only (hmmm):
"From what source do you receive most of your news and political information?"
with a checklist of the basic/cable news stations, newspaper, etc. Just thought this was an interesting question.