When will CBS give-up with trying to put a perky host for the CBS news. Sure, Katie Couric was everyone's darling on Today Show where perkiness has it's plus for morning wake-up programming. But lets face it, Katie has not cross-ed over successfully to the more serious Evening News on CBS.
Don't get me wrong - I want a woman to be successful hosting on of the evening news programs. It's about time the glass ceiling was smashed. But Katie was doomed from the start putting Miss Perky in to fill a seat previously held by such serious newsmen like Dan Rather and Walter Cronkike. I could think of a dozen other women more suitable for the position than Katie Couric. CBS gave her a year and she has managed to chase away over a million viewers. Perhaps it's time for CBS to find a real news anchor to take over the seat.
http://www.imdb.com/news/sb/2007-12-26/#tv3Couric's Loss May Be Gibson's Gain
For Katie Couric, the news has not improved -- the news concerning The CBS Evening News, that is. According to Nielsen Research figures reported by the New York Times, her newscast drew one million fewer viewers in 2007 than it did in 2006 (when it was anchored by Bob Schieffer through August). The news was not particularly pleasing for Brian Williams, either, as NBC Nightly News finished the year with about 500,000 fewer viewers than it had last year. Only Charles Gibson had reason to celebrate as his audience for ABC World News grew by about 300,000. Overall, his newscast averaged 8.4 million viewers per night; the Williams newscast averaged 8.2 million; the Couric newscast, 6.4 million