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Rrrrr...advice to other writers -- when you back up a file, make sure it backs up PROPERLY.

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BreweryYardRat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-26-07 10:43 PM
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Rrrrr...advice to other writers -- when you back up a file, make sure it backs up PROPERLY.
Edited on Wed Dec-26-07 10:43 PM by seawolf
I'm having to retype half a story (maybe more) from my only hard copy because the file didn't copy to my external hard drive properly. It'll take a long time. :mad:

What's annoying's my only story that I think could be published. That is, once I finish re-writing it and add some parts so it doesn't have huge info-dumps. (Did it for a class, had to squeeze out some of it to make page guidelines.)

Although I'm not sure it'll get published anyway -- I'll probably get a lot of rejection slips saying "The protagonists are unsympathetic." Never mind that if you're writing a fantasy short with barely post-Stone-Age technology, and you want the culture to be even semi-realistic, they almost have to be unsympathetic by definition.

Hell, the only female character and the antagonist are the only ones who get a relatively happy ending.

While we're on the subject, anyone know of a good term that would be synonymous with "Neanderthal" but not be so blatantly obvious?
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Orrex Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-26-07 10:50 PM
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1. To answer your last question: Republican
From "Orrex's Book of Incredibly Obvious One-Liners"

As to the rest, I feel your pain--the same thing happened to me once, but thankfully it wasn't a very long work that I lost.

Check your PM, by the way...
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Redstone Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-26-07 11:13 PM
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2. Best way to do that is to have more than one external hard drive for backup.
The chances are pretty slim that BOTH backups would have problems.

I use three, but I'd expect two would be enough for most people.

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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-27-07 12:50 AM
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3. Have you checked your temp files?
I was looking for files when someone was ripping off my work, and I came upon about 300 temp files that showed my work word by word, sentence by sentence.

Good luck.

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Kurovski Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-27-07 06:11 PM
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4. "Cave dweller'?
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