i don't know if this would work anywhere else (i imagine not in cold climates) but here is an old new orleans formula for replanting a xmas tree -- 1 part liquid chlorophyll (used to be sold in health food stores), 1 part vodka (cheapest most disgusting brand is fine, trees don't have taste buds), 1 part ether (back then you could get it from a hospital worker without being branded a drug distributor)
you don't wait to plant the tree until it's already brown, go ahead and take it down right after christmas, and put it in the ground, with a good helping of this drink
i myself also experimented using only chlorophyll and vodka, and this worked too -- IF the tree was a small tree -- i wouldn't try getting ether today (might get on a list, might get arrested) so i wouldn't try a large tree
unfortunately all of the trees i know about that were subject to this potion were in gentilly in the 1980s, and so i assume that all were destroyed by hurricane katrina, i haven't tried the recipe in years
obviously WAY too expensive for a professional growing operation, which as others point out, must thin trees anyway -- but it is a fun thing to play with
oh, i just remembered my pecan tree and some of my sago palms were transplanted this way, and they're still around mumble mumble almost 20 years later...but they did have roots to begin with, altho the sago's roots were chopped pretty short by accident
i have also used it for bell peppers to transplant them and i kept some plants going many years, however, the peppers produced each year were smaller and smaller!